I like SH's
entry too much to not not blog about it. Bleh, first it's YZ, now it's SH. Plagarism.
It wasn't written with abstract in mind but it still turned out abstract, very the kind of thing I like to read. Like saying that sometimes we do things that are redundant but we just do it because we want to do it or just to fill up space and/or waste time. When I first read it, the word "stupidity" jumped out at me. No no, not saying that the entry is stupid. How can it be when it's quite brilliant? I meant that the person doing the signing was stupid, and no I don't mean SH. If you view it as that he wrote the bolded part as another person, then that person is quite silly, to sign his name when it is not required but to do it just for the sake of doing it. Actually it's quite applicable to our daily life. Sometimes we just do things for the sake of doing it. If you don't talk, people won't say that you are dumb, but you just speak to make your presence felt... or you are just besotted with your own voice. So the entry, to me anyway, presents 2 perspectives, the bolded one from the perspective of the first person and the unbolded part from a third person perspective.
Yesterday marks the end of something in my life and the beginning of another. Somehow I feel relieved, free, unburdened, which is weird because I'm not the one who's supposed to be feeling burdened. In any case this turned out better than what happened when I said it on the night of v-day and I'm happy about that. I hope there is no more of that burden I heaped on him. I think I'm really very silly to have allowed yesterday's afternoon (I mean another thing) to happen at all, but if it didn't happen then I'd never know this is not what I want.
Yup, THE paper cup is no longer in our hands, but the memories are there and I'll treasure them. Anyway who says it can't be a different kind of cup? Plastic cup, ceramic cup, styrofoam cup... *grin*
Hopefully, I have gained a friend and wouldn't lose this friendship to time.
I don't like Little India. Both times I went there, first with LY and then subsequently with LY & Valerie, we got harrassed by a Chinese and Indian man respectively.
Chinese man was eyeing LY on our 1st trip there and really freaked her out. Indian man today harrassed us three. Damn, he said I am a "cute little girl" can! @$%#$^ Even stranger tell me that! A bit pissed, yet I know this cute girl image is my advantage as well. He kept on wiping his perspiration and then shook our hands 3 times in total. Rushed off to Tekka Mall to wash our hands immediately after we managed to shake him off. He kept talking crap, about "beautiful", how the wording of our survey is completely wrong and we need to change it, and keep saying that LY is beautiful, plus keep talking about Allah, how we are all from the same religion, about what Malays are doing and other crap. Oh, no other crap, it's basically 15 - 20 minutes talking about
this crap. I was so pissed I stopped looking at him although I still had a faint smile on my lips. At one point I just withdrew the survey he was looking at on the table and told him that we really are rushing for time. Val kept insisting after that that we had to go and I had already turned to walk away, couldn't quite be bothered anymore. Luckily there were 3 of us girls and there was another group of ladies sitting at the
ulu coffeeshop.
Thinking that we had already shaken him off, we went about quite happily (an exaggeration) getting surveys done when
out he popped from the pavement. Ok, he didn't literally materialize out of the pavement although it really seemed so for me. We actually bumped into him again along Serangoon Road, which wasn't very far away from where we saw him in the first place. What could we do? Our project was on that area. That pervert stuck to LY again. This time I couldn't even be bothered to look at him, just turned and looked for potential surveyees. He was talking to LY when Valerie pointed to something/one in the distance and called out to LY that we have to go over to that side. Then we just walked straight, probably 8 metres away... towards another empty space. Luckily he left and we never saw him for the rest of the time we were there.
I'm proud of myself because I initiated the interviews! =D Mustered the courage to go up to almost every other beauty shop to ask for an interview. We were lucky to have 3 interviews with 2 very nice ladies and 1 at-first-not-very-willing-and-then-started-to-enjoy-talking uncle. The rest of them refused to grant us interviews. Not that I blame them, but next time if I ever go back there, I'd recommend those shops whose owners I interviewed.
The uncles from the auto shop have been located in Little India for a very long time and the shop is very original, very old and very dark. They let us see these old signboards that are supposedly not frequently seen in Singapore anymore. Actually I'm not sure if they are really not that frequently seen anymore because I seem to remember seeing them at some places. Anybody know can tell me if it's true?

Part of a signboard that is usually given to businesses when they just open. Part of it only because... oi not because my camera no good ok! Although it really is not so good but because it's my camera, cannot insult it! The rest of the signboard is blocked by the many many shelves against the walls. Oh there are 2 small lionheads (I think) which are part of the signboard, one of which can be seen at the bottom, the other blocked. It's very expensive, one is about $500 because it's a carving, not done in Singapore anymore. They had 2 stolen before when it was placed outside so I guess that's why it's inside now the shop now?
This is the wooden signboard of the company. Apparently this is also not commonly seen anymore.

Not my camera spoilt ah! It's that this signboard is in the shophouse instead of outside the shophouse, so one part of it is blocked by the shelves and door. True though, it's very wooden.. I mean, it's really quite rarely seen. Please comment on if the signboards are really that rare if you know. Comment link please. Thanks.
The 2 uncles didn't want to talk at first, but then we just kind of slipped into an interview without actually confirming with them officially that we're doing an interview. Val and I talked and talked, assured, asked questions... We ended up doing our interview standing up. They don't usually let people look at these 2 signboards, but they actually let us see it. Kind of touched. I guess they are also lonely, so as soon as people start showing interest in their shop, they would be quite willing to talk. If it's me, I'd babble about everything. The shop looks quite antique, messy and dark. Full of shelves and car parts.
A bit irritated with ourselves because we took so long to do our surveys and they're still not done! Looking for friends to do them soon. Even when I had to find 20 persons to do 20 surveys last time also did not take as long as the time spent this time on what, 12 surveys?! We spent 5 hours there for the surveys and interviews. Amazing. Lousy time spent, if you ask me. Anyway it's done (partly anyway) and I'm glad about that. Ended the day eating Ice Kacang.
I blogged for an hour.