I'm still too tired to blog about Kaleidoscope. I'll just post some pictures taken on that day here first and then add in more words later.
Wednesday, 22nd March, 2006
I INSISTED on taking this dumb photo below. Why? Because LY's sociology tutor and, I think, our Changing Landscapes tutor said that tourists like to pose like this. They consider the water spurting out from the mouth of the merlion to parallel that of fortune, and by posing like that, it looks as if they can catch it in their hands. The thing is we really saw tuorists doing that on the concert day itself and I wanted to take a picture of them actually doing it, but it was quite rude to do that so I didn't. Which resulted in why I INSISTED that we took this really really dumb photo below to demonstrate the idea.
I'm so humiliated/embarrassed. I don't believe I actually did it, but for the sake of blogging, anything is possible. I'm so sorry, guys! Thanks for posing with me! Actually it's quite interesting, the pose.
Closer look:

This is the nicest picture! Her hand just happened to be in that position so I told her to freeze and adjusted it until it's like that. Really looks like the water is falling directly into her palm and the merlion looks so miniature while her hand looks so... huge and... model-ish. Can imagine a can of drink on top. Advertisement. Thanks, RF!
haha, you haven't seen ppl posing in front the camera pretending they are monster eating up a helicopter in the background! (ie, the helicopter flew into their mouth...)
then I remember last time I watched a cartoon, the baddie put a fork in front of the camera lens so that the main character looks as if he/she is in jail, or coil up some noodles to make him look as though he's being tied up... etc etc.
so interesting..
I'll work on that.. =D
i like my hand. hahaha. ehs. why u got the rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =x haha.
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