Tomorrow-ed ; My actions, words, thoughts
I admit that I tomorrowed this entry of CW's, basically because I felt that it was quite well written, though there is an obvious hint of anger in it. I will probably never know how it feels like competing against so many foreign students in such an environment because I'm in where I am now, but I do feel sympathetic towards those who do. I thought that this matter should be given some attention a bit, even if the matter of foreign students has been talked about (although I've never remembered it being talked about specifically in engineering) quite a lot whether in the private or public domain. Even if the specific matter of foreign students in engine is just an iteration of something long-ago-talked-about-but-never-resolved, well, I guess it's nice to know that there are people, albeit strangers, out there who share your thoughts and feelings. Isn't it also nice to release some pent-up frustration somewhere, even if it's on somebody else's blog? =P
Quite apologetic to CW for getting flammed by that annoymous and having to defend himself just because I tomorrow-ed him. But I think a lot of people agree with him on his thoughts too so hopefully that's alright.
I'm halfway through my 2nd bar of DARS. Developing a sore throat. =P
I thought about my blog having strong feelings. I thought about whether it's headed in the right direction. I thought about him not reading this frequently nor commenting here anymore. I thought about when I blogged because of him.
There is no "right direction" to head towards for me, not unlike those I know who really do blog for an audience and solely for an audience. My blog is like my diary in a way, public as it can be. It contains my thoughts, will always contain my feelings, no matter weak or strong, happy or sad. I know a bit of what captivates a reader - short entries, interesting reads, pictures, a 3rd person perspective sometimes, not too much of your daily life. Sometimes I do those just to get more hits, keep people entertained. In a way I'm headed towards there, afterall most people blog for that attention. Yet I'm also aware that I will leak myself out here. What you see here might not always be what you get, but this is me, this is where I pen my thoughts (not all), this is where I record my life in a way.
I'm not going to get famous or anything. This blog won't be known overnight. Having lived close to 20 years taught me never to expect too much, that I'm meant to be ordinary and I'm actually happy being ordinary. I don't believe I'm mediocre, but I'm not up there either. I'm something like a stepping stone. One of the stepping stones in a person's life. As long as I'm helping others get successful out there, I guess it's enough for me. I just want to retain good relationships with those I know, those I've helped and those who've helped me. This is what I'm thinking at 19-going-20. I wonder what I'd be thinking a few years from now.
Aware this is getting boring. =)
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