Saturday, September 02, 2006

Lashing back in IVLE forum

Module 1:

From: Person 1
Date: 01/09/2006 01:51:00 PM
Topic Heading:Default Heading

where is our tutorial 1? why we only have tutorial 2?

From: Person 2
Date: 02/09/2006 05:08:00 PM
Topic Heading:Default Heading
Topic:Re: tutorial
tutorial 1 was the mastering physics. if you download and open tutorial 2, you will see that it is for the week 4 September - 8 September.

If i sound sacarstic, it is intended. Stop demanding and do ask politely. Our tutors and lecturers don't own you a living.


Module 2:

From: Person 3
Date: 24/08/2006 11:58:00 AM
Topic Heading:Administrative
Topic:diScusSion gRp vS tUtOrIal gRp
heI ppLE... doES neonE nOE iF thERe is a diFf bTw a DisCuSsioN gRp n a TutOriAL gRp... do we hAve tO registER fOr diScuSsIOn gRps sePEratEly or smTh?

From: Person 4
Date: 24/08/2006 12:49:00 PM
Topic Heading:Administrative
Topic:Re: diScusSion gRp vS tUtOrIal gRp

Hello Person 3,

1) It's the same

2) On an unrelated note, am I the only one who find your style of placing capped letters randomly unsuitable for this forum?


Person 4

From: Person 5
Date: 24/08/2006 11:09:00 PM
Topic Heading:Administrative
Topic:Re: diScusSion gRp vS tUtOrIal gRp
hey spare Person 3 (yeah "XXX" is a guy's name rght? insulting!) ! we are her eto discuss stuff...if she suggests something useful and comprehensible the format doesn't matter.=)

From: Person 6
Date: 25/08/2006 01:48:00 AM
Topic Heading:Administrative
Topic:Re: diScusSion gRp vS tUtOrIal gRp

i thought ThIs Is NoT VeRY HeLPfUl iN CoMMuniCatIOn.

I thought this is very helpful in communication

compare which is easier to read. And you will agree with me.

-Person 6

From: Person 3
Date: 25/08/2006 03:13:00 PM
Topic Heading:Administrative
Topic:Re: diScusSion gRp vS tUtOrIal gRp
fine point taken

The older people get, the harsher they become. The more they look at everybody suspiciously and the more they can't take criticisms.

If you'll take the case in module 1, Person 1 certainly didn't mean it in a bad way. He/she was just asking a question in an informal way and I'd have thought that she sounded a little panicky instead of accusing or fed-up. I thought Person 2 was a little too harsh and misinterpreted the situation. Clearly, Person 2 is used to the more formal and polite terms we've been using in the forum so far. From the name, I suppose Person 2 is a female and if I assume that she's fresh from JC, I have this to say - My juniors are very scary, maybe a force to be reckoned with in the future. Can you imagine her barking at somebody in the office? I'm not saying that they are all like that and they will certainly turn out this way. It is only my presumption and my own thoughts.

As for module 2, I agree that Person 3's style of typing that message was downright irritating, but how the others tried to tell him/her that and how he/she responded... By the way, only 1 of the respondents in module 2 is a year 2. The others are freshmen.

I'm not one of them up there, but I can feel the change within me as well. It's scary.


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