Friday, September 08, 2006

Birthday wish-list

There is still some time before my birthday but I already have a wishlist. Sort of. *grin* Don't get me photoframes, teddy bears or soft toys, clothes, skirts (even if you want to force me to wear one) or anything to be put on display. No drumsticks (not chicken ones), scores or auxilaries (however spelt).

There are 3 things that I want so far for my birthday.

1) Watch Forbidden City.
Any time (except even week fridays) would be good, especially if it's on the last week of September because that's NUS recess week. $70 or $80 tickets would be good, not sure if the preview shows are the same as the actual ones. Preview would be fine too I guess, but I would really like to watch the actual thing with all the fanfare. I want only seats from stalls/foyer to Circle 2, no circle 3 seats (can't see anything, can't hear much), no balcony seats (scared view blocked), no seats right at the front (see what? Kit Chan's feet?).
Tickets can book online, click on the "Forbidden City" link above.
Even better if you all can come with me.

2) Go clubbing. Indulge in alcohol and get high. Not drunk, just high.

3) Fondue, with melted chocolate and all.

[4) Kiss some guy or other.] You didn't see this.

By the way, I'm booked on the night of my birthday unless I can get home by 9pm, so clubbing on that day is out. I'm spending that night in the most unusual way.


At September 09, 2006 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey gal, how about going for clubbing on our birthday eve? lol we didn't celebrate birthday together before. --lingz

At September 09, 2006 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

woohoo! cool! deal!


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