Friday, September 01, 2006


Initial plan was to go to dbl O, but we ended up at 1NiteStand. Great place, awesome live band, awesome singer, especially the lady, marvellous atmosphere.

As usual, love the heavy beats.

People started getting high and dancing. My cousin got high after 1 vodka+cranberry juice, 1.5 vodka+7-up and a couple of sips of Gin & Tonic (if it's spelt this way) and Whiskey & Coke. BL got high and slightly drunk after half a cup of vodka+lime juice. MZ a bit high after I think 1 vodka+cranberry juice & half a glass of whiskey & coke.

Me? 1 vodka+lime juice, 0.5 vodka+7-up, 0.5 whiskey & coke, sips of gin & tonic. Don't know how much. I just drank whatever I could get my hands on. Kept snatching BL's gin over and she kept taking it back. =D Not sure how or why my hand would head over there though. I went to the toilet and looked as if I'd just came out of my house after taking a shower or came out of an air-conditioned room. I looked normal, not even red. Don't feel anything at all. I know not a lot of alcohol but not even a hint of red? Not one tiny spot of red. Maybe I feel a tiny bit warmer inside, but not enough.

There's this lady who danced superbly well! Enjoyed watching her!

We left very early because of early lecture tomorrow. (And I'm still here, blogging.) Was perfectly sane when I left. Now I'm sporting a tiny bit of headache. Don't think I can go through my readings. And I think I'm getting slightly high now. Only now. My body is so slow.

Oh a middle-aged man tried to hit on us. Asked me for a dance first because I was sitting the nearest to him, then when I refused, or was it because of my looks - too young, too ugly- he asked for a dance with the rest of the girls. We flatly turned him down. So nice, first time get hit on by a guy. =) Although he's old. Seriously, if the girls weren't with me, it'd never happen.

Really not enough. I need more alcohol. Nice night out, but just not satisfying.

Ok, head heavy now. Need sleep. If only there's a guy right now to give me a nice warm hug and a kiss before bed. Sigh. I'm not even asking for sex.


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