Monday, August 14, 2006

Today at school

It felt different going to school this semester. Last semester I fell asleep on the bus on the way to school, this semester I was wide awake throughout. Wide awake and painfully aware of the small-but-strong-air-con on the bus blowing it's breath at me and my wet hair.
Well, everything's different anyway, so I suppose it's alright. Tried desperately not to look like a freshman today. Succeeded 80%. 10% failure because of my clothes, 10% failure because of how I acted on ISB and at Science. Coincidentally met KQ at the bus-stop today. Also coincidentally he had been to LT26 before. "Idiot-proof" is his comment on the route from the bus-stop to the LT. I think I'm worse than an idiot because I almost got lost if not for the fact that I simply took the route which is less crowded and for that huge sign saying "LT26" that I chanced upon. If not, I have a feeling I would have ended up somewhere in the depths of the faculty.
I looked around at the people gathered outside the LT and wondered why they are all here instead of inside. I remember my first literature lecture at arts, everybody was outside too. Common for first-years, I guess - insecurity and uncertainty about where to go, but at least most of them had somebody there with them. So I stepped into the LT, absorbed the atmosphere, started climbing the stairs to take a seat and started mummuring, whether I said it out loud or in my head I can't remember, Oh my god, this is how the LT looks like. OMG, physics. Shit, I think I'm like the only arts student here, I'm beginning to regret this, I should drop the module, blend in blend in with the walls, don't look at me, don't look at me. Only problem is that I'm bright pink today. I slid silently onto one of the seats. And I realize that the seats are WOODEN! The table is one whole stretch across the entire row and is also WOODEN! I was intrigued at the tables and chairs. =) It was gorgeous! At that moment I was comparing between Science and FASS's LTs, the latter of which are all individual seaters and nicely cushioned. I wondered if FASS was given priority in this, but then I realize there is a sink in front. Of course, this is science, must have demonstration of some sort. Chemistry or biology or something that requires the desks to be this way. Actually it makes no sense but let's just accept my explanation, ok? OK! And there are LTs in Science that have cushioned seats.
I've always been intrigued at how Physics lecturers are always able to perform some 'trick' or other that we as students find it difficult to perform perfectly. In AJC, my physics teacher Mr Sng once showed us a demonstration where he distorted a clothes hanger so that it has a diamond shape, after which he held it upside down so that the hook is facing upwards and then he placed a coin on the hook (that itself I'm already amazed) and then he proceeded to swing the hanger around his finger in a circular motion with that coin never falling off! Several boys in my class tried it during tutorial later on but never quite succeeded. Then today, AP Chung proceeded to 'chop'/break a piece of plank with a piece of paper on top to 'hold' the plank down. I can't quite figure out how he did it. It was a clean break. Several guys went up to try later on but they didn't quite do it. In fact I think it hurt their hands. That lecturer just did it as if he's breaking a stick of Pocky. I therefore conclude that you need to have special skills in order to become a physics lecturer or to teach physics, if not you will probably end up nursing an injured arm or hand or foot or whatever it is that you were using in a live demonstration.
I sat on that wooden chair (am still amazed that it's wooden) and listened attentively. Halfway through I was tempted to drop the module there and then because he mentioned something about differentiation, integration and differential equations. Must have been because my brother keep asking me how to do A-level math question that I heard wrongly. I think my face twisted into some unrecognizable thing when I heard it. I THOUGHT I WAS OVER THAT IN THE As ALREADY! I thought I was never going to ever ever touch differentiation or integration again! I thought I was SAFE! Damn, apparently not. Have to go relearn everything again. Integration somemore, one of my weakest topic.
By the way, there are some students from other faculties too but I strongly believe I was the only FASS student there. Sigh. C'mon, not like I'm not used to taking modules on my own already. Besides, any questions I can post in the forum and I'm sure to get a response there. Ok, breathe! In, out! In, out! =D Machiam giving birth.

Lecture ended and I left to return to FASS, taking the new ISB D, trying again desperately not to look like a freshman while on the bus and walking the corridors of Arts. It felt amazingly marvellous to be back in my own faculty after this morning. Comforting. Nice to breathe in the air at FASS again, though technically speaking it's all the same air.

Until I saw the also equally amazingly crowded canteen.

As usual.

I went from being happy to irritated within a matter of nanoseconds. Not to mention that I was still trying desperately to not look like a freshie. Ok, time to tell you all why I feel like a freshie. Because I wore sports shoes and only freshies wear sports shoes. ALRIGHT, with long pants and (bright) pink polo tee. I SOUND like a freshie. Happy? Good! Now tell me I sound normal in that attire.
I actually met my cousin JX, his girlfriend and their friend there so it was nice to not have lunch alone for today. It's a different feeling when you lunch with your family, more relaxed and at home. I realized that I'm feeling quite at home in Arts already. The first thing I bought was chicken rice. =P Some people should know I'm obsessed with chicken rice, especially the one at school.
Supposed to meet this freshie to sell him my book but he conveniently disappeared. That idiot. Never pick up my call or reply my SMSes. I just decided that I will not sell my book to him (or her). Irresponsible person, make me bring my book for nothing and ended up with a super heavy bag since I also met another girl to buy a book from her. Am reminded of last semester when he was there to carry that psychology book for me, this semester I have to carry that book myself... But I digress. Anyway I stayed till quite late in school, photocopying books and trying to decide if I should buy some books.

Tomorrow's lecture at science again. I like being busy sometimes, keep my mind off stuff.


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