Another one...
Yesterday I met Guo Yi at Grinning Gecko outside the Forum. We had a short chat. He's in Chemical Engineering, I think.
Today I met Yihao outside LT26 before PC1141. He was attending a lecture in that LT before my slot.
After Physics lecture I came out and saw another one of my cousin outside. He takes the same module. It feels good to see family in school, furthermore in same module. =)
I was slightly late for SC1101 in LT7A. The moment I entered the LT, I had the impression that I was in some great hall. I like the smell of that place. =) Unfortunately, I think I will catch the webcast instead. Mind was saturated with physics stuff and couldn't concentrate on what the lecturer was talking about, plus I was tired and my stomach was loud. Perhaps I should still pop by that LT once in a while to take in the smell. Almost forgot to mention that I got wet while sitting in there today, and it wasn't because of my water bottle. Let's just say that there were some other reasons besides those listed above for why I wasn't listening to the lecturer (it's the picture of that nude girl. Damn, just thinking about it now makes me wet).
It has been a good 2 days. =D
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