An entire week's worth of blogging - what it seems to me anyway
Sunday, 18th June 2006
YY brought back a voodoo-doll keychain from her trip to HK. So interesting! I meant the voodoo doll. Mine is white samurai! Think my brother's black samurai. Feeling a bit bad about it because she actually bought a fairy voodoo doll keychain simply because it reminded her of me and I chose the samurai instead. But that white samurai is really calling out to me!
Cut my hair short.
Wednesday, 21st June 2006
Took half-day leave to do the tickets with YZ at studio for SPU concert, "My Home", on 29th July 2006. 7.30pm. $12. At Young Musician's Society (YMS), Waterloo street. Come support me! =) SMS me, email me, leave comment if you all want tickets! Thanks!
Oh yes, back to the topic. Got people so stupid? Forfeit half a day's pay to go do something which I'm not paid for. People lose sleep over World Cup, I lose sleep over concert publicity (quote from SH). *rolls eyes* Ah well, somebody's got to help start the ball rolling a bit. Hope the slope is downhill. I am NOT planning to do everything myself. I've got work, sleep, money, clothes and more work to worry over, thank you very much. Never believed in one-man show.
On the way to work outside Somerset MRT, got a man giving out flyers. Looks interesting. Took one, took a look at it. Very interesting! Durex condom flyer. I was grinning away. Sorry, because I am very naive, and am proudly a virgin (not that anybody would want to have sex with me) I have the right to grin ok! *grins widely*
I mean it is really interesting! Flyer has 2-D version of the cube which we can tear out and fold into cube:

"Instructions to make your own Durex Roll 'n' Score die:
1) Remove cube pattern by tearing along the dotted lines.
2) Let cube assume desired shape by folding all sides.
3) Fold flaps for penetration.
4) Insert and play."
3 and 4 are the more obvious ones. Actually don't know if it's even done on purpose, but I thought it was wonderfully done. Especially like 4 - insert and play. =D
Ok, anyway..
The cubes got words like
"For him... Who let the dogs out?!!? Woof!"
"For her... Giddy-up and do the reverse cowgirl. Yee hah!"
"For him... Up against the wall, standing up. That's the way to do it!"
Quite innovative but not that impressive. Kind of wish they'd suggest positions instead.
I wonder, how come people feel happy when they masturbate? In fact, how do they feel? I just feel like I'm a slut.
Thursday, 22nd June 2006
Dinner at Han River at bloody Eastpoint with SPU/2-FOUR members. Luckily I was at Somerset which is a half-hour train ride from Simei, if not I won't even consider going. Too bloody far. Might have fallen asleep if not for the fact that my aching feet were preventing me from falling asleep standing up. Don't know why my new sport shoes giving me trouble again. Either
1) Shoes got problem, or
2) I don't know how to walk.

*looks around for a bit* I'veneverbeentoseoulgardensothisthinginthetableisinteresting. Ok, so maybe "interesting" is a bit exaggerated. Whatever. We cook in that. Steamboat-style.
Oh have I mentioned how tired I am? Been sleeping approximately 4 - 6 hours each day this week with an occasional 7 hour, like last night (Thursday night, Friday morning). However after a while I just got used to it and I don't feel that tired anymore, although there seems to be a kind of haze clouding my mind.
Today - Friday, 23rd June 2006
Ate at some restaurant for lunch because several of the staff were leaving and The Boss gave a treat. Nice food.
I dress like a kid, look like a kid, think like a kid.
I want to remain a kid.
Sometimes I just want to grow up though.
Damn, even one of my boss ask why I dress like "xiao xue shen". Say I am "da xue shen" le.
Then today colleague ask me to change my wardrobe. *sigh* I want to change also, but I don't like shopping, except when I really have to get something. Think as I grow older I'll like shopping because I used to hate it, now I only don't like it.
He said guys don't ever "like you for who you are". So sad right. But it's true. Damn, me also lor... Actually if I have to change my outlook for a guy to like me, firstly, I don't think I can even like myself, secondly, how to explain things to that guy? Don't know how to put it.
Ok, I give example. I'm born with hairy legs. I think I have more male hormones. Anyway, I have hairy legs. So let's say I go for that permanent hair removal thingy so my legs are nice and bare and on the way get rid of the hair under my arms and on my *ahem*. I dress nice nice, I spend a lot of money to get my face cleared (not that I'm not trying to get it cleared now, I am!), guy likes me, likes my hairless body, likes how I look, we get married and then have kids, or have kids then get married or have kids but don't get married. In any case, we have kids. Let's say I have a girl. Girl grows up, then at secondary 2 level, her face starts flowering and her legs start growing hairy. My guy looks at my legs and my face, then looks at our girl. How to explain to him what I did? That that's how I was when I was that age? That actually I don't look like how I look now? That the girl he likes has hairy legs? Anyway if I gave my daughter hairy legs in future, I'd feel very guilty.
And every morning when I wake up and look in the mirror, or when I bathe, I would see my hairless body and think "this is fake. This is not me. I am not like that," Because I really am not. I am not hairless. I am very hairy! How to face myself in the mirror? Everyday see a fake me. My analysis clear or not? Or you all think very boliao? Ok I think it's crap, but somewhere inside me I know this is how I feel. Though I really very tempted to fork out the money and go do the permanent hair removal thingy. You think your legs are hairy. Trust me, so far I've had far hairier legs than all girls I've compared my legs with. Even my mum thinks I have hairy legs. Well, at least I have legs. =) And I like my waist. And my stomach. And I like my back. =) Hopefully my back maintains its pimple-free, smooth, tanned look.
Have I mentioned I like my back?
Perhaps I should flaunt it... Wait, like that wear what bra?
So yes, anyway... Need to change my wardrobe.
In the meantime, need to do publicity for concert. Support me in concert! =)
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