Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Pre-run; book blog; Swing Girls

Everything is great after a sleep. Just fell asleep on the sofa just now after browsing through the book "Complete Book of Running". Heh. So, what am I doing with this book? My friends would wonder, "She's a runner meh?!" =D I'm not a professional, just an amateur runner. Now an even more amateur runner, if there's such a phrase, after having kept off it for 6 months (or so). I want to prepare myself before going back into running but I'm not quite sure how although there's one thing I'm absolutely certain of - get new shoes. Suspect my present ones are the cause of my knee injury. Too small for my foot already. I'm dumb enough to get it in the first place. But I don't know how to choose a proper pair of shoes leh. Help?
Don't think my feet are high or low arch, just normal. According to this book it means I'm probably a normal pronator, whatever it means. Apparently 50% of (American?) runners are normal pronators. So ah, I don't have to "search out a shoe with special features." It says that I "might want to begin by considering shoes that lie somewhere between the motion-control and cushioned types. Manufacturers often refer to such shoes as stability shoes. These shoes, which often have a slight curved shape, don't control foot motion as much as motion-control shoes."
*frowns* What is "slight curved shape"? How to see? How I know if it controls foot motion and if it's cushioned?
So anyway I turned the page and I see the best advice ever:
"Even if you have followed all the steps outlined here, it pays to go to a specialty running store. The knowledgeable people who work in these stores will be able to tell you..."
Don't care, I'm going to ask them. Then I think of all the sports stores and wonder if the staff are knowlegeable enough. So many of them are so much like fashion outlets nowadays. I mean people go in there for fashion purposes, not for sports purposes. It's kind of sad. Nevertheless, I've had good experience with sports shops so far, not that I've had a lot of experience with them, but they should be able to help me sufficiently. I'm like totally blur on this.

Asked Benison's opinion on starting a blog concentrating only on books and invited him to join me. Well, we both have too much time on our hands. At least I thought I had too much time on our hands, until I realize I'm involved in publicity for the next SPU concert. So eh, might as well publicize now. SPU CONCERT COMING UP ON 29TH JULY, SUPPORT ME OK! TICKET PRICE AND TIME NOT CONFIRMED. VENUE STILL YMS.
Now, where was I...? Oh right, blog on books. Anyway I've started this blog on books called Wholly Books for Bookaholics ("wholly books" my idea, "bookaholics" beni's. Turns out pretty fine, the name.) and well, it's really still in its infant stage. In fact, embryo stage. Is there anything before embryo? Damn, I'm still trying to sort out the html. *curses* Don't like the current template I chose, so bound to have changes. Anyway take a look.

So things are pretty fine. I have 3 agendas to meet.
1) Start running soon
2) Get involved in publicity for concert
3) Work on book blog

I forgot my 4th one:
4) Find a job.

Ah, I should be sufficiently packed this holidays. Cheers!

Oh, I managed to borrow SWING GIRLS from Yaoming! =D Although both YM and SP say the show is not nice and lame, respectively, while SH says it's nice, I'll judge it for myself. However, I'm a very poor judge of movies because I hardly watch them, and taking into account that YM and SP are band members... *shrug* We'll see.

I'll be back if I have time.


At May 04, 2006 12:13 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

if you want to find a serious pair of running shoes, or rather, if you want knowledgable staffs, there is a running shop at Funan, think they are slighly more professional than, er, normal sports equipment stores.

can't believe you actually manage to get the movie... anyway trust your friends' opinion, my opinions are inaccurate 11 out of 10 times.

At May 04, 2006 12:26 AM, Blogger tstar said...

u mean 11 out of 20 times? *grin*

there is one there? u mean what, the IT mall? ok, will check it out..


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