Hearing; Class gathering; Mother's Day celebration
It's going to be quite long and I predict, quite boring, so....
Have lots of things to write about. Will start with the most pressing one on my mind. Woke up today to a weird feeling right ear, then realized I can hardly hear with it. There's an obvious difference between the hearing in my left and right ears. Didn't know it would get worse so quickly. It's worse when it's in a small area, like my toilet. Every sound is amplified and my left ear picks the sound up clearly while my right one... it's muffled. Even now while I'm typing, I'm horribly aware of the fact that the typing sound seems much clearer in my left compared to my right. There seems to be an ear muff over my right. In fact when I woke up this morning, I thought it must be the ear-wax. Refused to believe anything else until I cleaned my right ear. There's practically nothing inside. Should have taken note of the warning signs a few days back when there was this ringing sound in my ear again, then my ear would block up and then clear in a few moments time. Sometimes it would ache for no apparent reason. Damn worried. Mum says give it some time and if it doesn't get any better then we'll go to the polyclinic to get a referral to somewhere else. Feel like my hearing is 30% gone. Kind of wish we could have gone today, but I'm really afraid that they'd say something like "Oh dear, *shakes head* this ear will go completely deaf in *insert number* years."
Why me? I don't listen to mp3/CD the whole day at outrageously high volumes. I don't go clubbing, pubbling where there are loud music all the time. I only went to KTV once (that was on Thursday). The only loud sounds I'm exposed to are during my band and studio practices. Oh right, that. 7 years of exposure to that must have taken its toll on my ears. Then again there are band people I know who are exposed to the same amount of noise as me, who listen to their mp3/CDs at high volumes and still seem to have their hearing intact. Seem to.
No no, can't afford to lose my hearing.
A very slight, nagging headache from yesterday night till now. Behind my eyes. Beginnings of a migraine again? Nah.
(Weird, my right ear seems able to pick up the humming from the TV outside in the hall. I mean it seems much louder in my right than my left ear. Is that the humming from the TV or is it the ringing in my ear. Shucks, can't tell the difference. It's getting irritating, but at least I can hear something in there.)
Issue #1
Found a job as admin. assistant somewhere in town. Pay is really low at $5.50/hour but it's a job and it's an income. Now then I know that admin assistant means to zhuo zha gong de, i.e to do everything short of making coffee and cleaning the carpet. They have cleaners for that, luckily. It also means I'm in charge of opening the door. Yes, you saw that right. Oh, I am also the postman. I keep running around in the office, so much so that I get hungry pretty easily and I am starting to compare between an office job and a retail one.
Anyway it's been quite alright there. The people are friendly enough although I don't exactly have a common topic with them. Lunched with them because I thought I should try and build a rapport with them or something. Now I think I should lunch myself occasionally because they (permanent staff) tend to walk around a bit after that while me (temporary staff) want to go back and start on the ever-piling-up work. Also because they (permanent staff) get paid monthly, while me (temporary staff) gets paid by the hour. So the more I rest, the less I get. Plus they eat quite fast, while I like and tend to eat slower.
And there's that shop that sells exceptionally good porridge and chee cheong fan... Not that I've eaten the porridge there but the last time I went to eat (the fried rice) there (it sucked), I saw the framed up newspaper cuttings on their walls. I was a bit cock-eyed not to have noticed it. Their shop name and speciality was plastered all over the walls. Ok, so I was very cock-eyed. What, it was the first day of work and I was nervous.
Issue #2
Last Thursday 11th May, met up with my secondary school friends after work which ended very late at 6.15pm. Thought I'd be able to walk around a bit before I headed down to Harbourfront to meet them. Apparently not. Meeting was at 7pm. Ended up at pastamania there. Jackie was quite pissed because she went all the way down to harbourfront which I guess is quite far away from her place, to eat at pastamania. I didn't mind. Harbourfront is on the way home. By MRT, I mean. =) Plus it's a class gathering, so I don't quite mind where we ate, as long as it doesn't burn a huge hole in my pocket. Won't bore you with details about what I ate and what everybody else ate (think the above already quite boring).
Well, the thing that struck me most is how some people have changed and how some have not. My friends say I have not changed at all. I wonder if that meant inside or outside. Well, I wasn't wearing my contacts... Like that makes a lot of difference. Can't tell if M.Z changed or not because I've seen her a couple of times before the gathering. Huiyee and Bao Ling are still pretty much the same. The guys, some I could recognize, some I couldn't. I forgot completely about Bok Guan. =P
Anyway those are not the people I want to discuss about. They're fine. The guys are still as good at dilly-dallying. Wait a minute, was it the guys in my JC class that dilly-dally? Don't matter, they all dilly-dally anyway. =P Slam me, please.
The person who strike me most as having changed was Jackie. She's become, using HY's words, Ah Lian. A bit proud, a bit like those people I see around who speak first without thinking things through. Maybe it's because she just came back from Tioman that afternoon so was a bit tired and grouchy, but there is just something about her that has changed. When I look at her, I only think one word - bimbo. It's alarming. I used to like Jackie and I think if she would open herself up a bit (how do I know that she doesn't? I don't. I guess.), I would still like her.
The thing about being proud - I wonder if it is because she's in Law Faculty. Guess I wouldn't blame her if it is so. People give me that look of awe when I say I major in Psychology and it gets my ego all inflated. (Don't worry, I deflate it myself looking at my results.) It's just that it's kind of a pity, a probable future lawyer and all haughty. She's really quite pretty too. Makes me wonder if most lawyers are like that.
Took pictures on the train on the way home. People were staring at us. At that time I was thinking that usually people will see students much younger than us doing this kind of thing, but I'm not that embarrassed about it. We've got to remain young at heart, I say! =P

I went to karaoke with them before this and came back smelling of cigarette smoke. It was okay. *grin* I don't exactly enjoy being cramped up in a room full of cigarette smell and loud music blasting away. Exaggeration. It's the people I spend it with that makes it worthwhile. Nah, don't think I'll go back there anyway. Not my cup of tea.

Issue #3
Last night, Saturday 13th May, went to

Oops, I promised SH a detailed entry on this dinner but it doesn't look very detailed, does it? In the car on the way there, my family was suddenly discussing if they should eat chillicrabs and I wanted to grin because it reminded me of "chillycraps" which is SH's blog address.
Oh and I took that picture above when my father and sis were posing, thinking that I'm going to take a picture of them. *grin*

FINALLY, done! Spent don't know how many hours on this post.
hearing: don't worry, go for a checkup then say. It could be ear wax too deep to be dug out.
seafood: your sister very cute!
doesn't feel like it's ear wax.. anyway ear wax dun accumulate overnight..
i know my sis cute. eh e focus in this post is on my bro leh(partly).. u shld b saying smthing like "ur bro has big eyes" and e like, u know...
your sis has big eyes...
*raise eyebrows*
thanks for joinin us though u dun like to sing.. appreciate it :)
next time we shall go somewhere else...
aiyo, dun thank me lah... it's supposed to be a GATHERING!
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