Tuesday, April 25, 2006

While surfing porn

I'm not an avid porn addict nor a computer expert, but some advice to whoever is new to watching porn.

If you download and watch porn on your own computer, which nobody else uses, watch all you want.

If you are watching porn on a shared computer, please please please take note:
1) Make sure nobody's at home or is standing behind you. Or if your family's home, invite them to watch as well. At least they can't accuse you of being immoral. =p
2) Erase all evidence after you're done. I mean ALL evidence. Including the websites visited in the history folder, that in your media player (whichever you use) etc. You know your media player after the last video/song played for some it will just stay there until you open a new video to watch? Open an innocent new video after you are done. If it records all past played videos with the titles, delete those as well.
3) Make sure all underage kids can't possibly access the videos. If an underage kid uses the same computer as you, make sure no.2 is really seriously done.
4) If you are going to masturbate, please draw the blinds and close the door. The neighbours don't have to see that you are enjoying yourself.
5) Please clean up the place.

Ok, actually it's pretty crap. I just wanted to emphase point 2 and 3, that's all. *grin* Please remove ALL EVIDENCE.

Oh if you all watch porn and want to advice others on what to do and not to do, do do comment.


At April 25, 2006 9:59 PM, Blogger chillycraps said...

oh well I can imagine the volume....

let's say your nice next door auntie walk past your corridor.

At April 25, 2006 10:29 PM, Blogger JH said...

Woah! Someone so experience wor!
You might wana delete all the cookies as well to be ultra-cleared of ALL evidence. ;)

At April 26, 2006 6:25 AM, Blogger chillycraps said...

lol.. and spyware, adware, tracker.....

I'll suggest formatting the hard disk.

At April 26, 2006 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

.... wah lao, don't freak me out lor!

apparently got some other people also experienced worz... *looks around*


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