Raisins; face; bear
I've gotten myself a huge box of raisins. Take a look:

Oh I'm now 42kg! Calls for celebration! *munch on raisins*
Raisins also because it's healthier than other tidbits, although it IS very sweet. However, I've learnt how to eat a raisin without feeling that I've just drunk an entire cup of syrup. Hey, I've got an entire container of it to get through!
I've got nice plans after exams =) Which includes maybe going to zouk. Obviously this naive girl has never stepped into a club/pub/zouk. Damn, I don't even know what's the difference. I can predict that I won't like the place already. When, and if, I go, I'll see if I like it or not.
Really, a paper bag would be nice to cover my pimply face with. I like my face fine, I just don't like my pimples. 2 aunts already told me today to eat more fruits, drink more water, which are true, but... Well, let's just say I like it when people don't pay attention to my face, which is kind of difficult because all of the features which are supposed to be on the face are on my face. I mean, people can't look at my arm while they talk right? Or my chest? Or my stomach? Or they'd have to pretend that maybe that bougainvillea behind me has suddenly grown eyes and sprouted arms. So yes, while the pimples are there, I'm going to have really low self-confidence once in a while, something I've never experienced much before. Blame it on when I saw the doctor and realized it's nice to have a clear face for once and that you actually look good, after about 4 years of having a pimply face, then have your pimply face back again. However that 4 years of training didn't get wasted. Most of the times I can still ignore it and look at people straight in the face. A person's got to believe in him/herself.
Well, if I could actually do that in exams. Believe in myself. Which reminds me, currytan's got a nice entry on donkey and dirt.
Bear Bear posing:

"I've got chocolate on my snout!"
The greedy bear!
Don't ask who fed him chocolate. *looks innocently around* I don't know!
giant raisins!!! If I have it I will finish it quite fast.. have the tendency to eat one per maths question... sub part. That is like a little reward for enduring through the numbers.. (then slowly I will put bigger and bigger lumps of it into my mouth...)
i know how u feel... the kind of low self-esteem when talking to ppl... aniwae, dun worry too much, pimples won't be there forever.. i hate my complexion too.. tink dun go back to the doctor at kovan there le cuz not good one, hee...
1 raisin per sub-part... Not bad already. Me, I write one number eat one raisin. Now in arts, I write 1 word eat 1 or 2 raisins. Haha, I'm already like 1/8 through the container barely a day after getting it.
Thanks. =) I never go back to the doctor for quite long le. Now is my mother do facial for me. Painful.
No leh, the doctor quite good. i mean the medicine. My face was very clear that time, remember? think depends on each person also. i was lucky ba.
oh.. but i tink u dun do too much facial too.. for me, it only cures the surface but not the root of the problem..
i'm now using a set of new products, quite good...
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