Music - A refreshment for the soul
Music - A refreshment for the soul was quite nice. Interesting to see YZ performing on piano. Nice smile up there and nice poise. I thought she played with feelings and it's nice watching her play. =) A performer through and through. I like how she smiled to the audience although there was a 2nd movement to one of the piece she played and the audience clapped in between.

YZ at the piano for the first piece
She said that everybody made mistakes, but we couldn't exactly tell. That's the thing with classical music/piano, most of the times one can't tell if something is played on purpose or if it is a mistake, unless of course you are the one playing it.
Some interesting music, but then I don't know how to listen to piano music.
They played balloonology! XMSB percussion played before at one of their concerts. I always thought that it is a difficult piece to play, tricky. Have to listen to the different sounds, have to have a strong pulse because some rubbing sounds might not come out. Sad to say, it sounded quite messy although interesting. I don't ever want to hear that piece played again unless it is going to sound perfect and superb, which is quite impossible. Rubbing balloons is difficult. Not to say that I mind trying to play it... =p
The setting a bit too informal for my liking, but it's alright, there's always room for improvement.
2 Primary schools choir performed. Interesting. Like watching schools perform because sometimes they are more professional.
Reminded me of band when we'd watch Miss Tan with that same expression on our faces. She smile, we smile. She frown, we frown. We read her lips. We watch her eyes. We notice her hands. We listen. We look.
Soft, loud, concentrate, listen!, slow down, speed up, WATCH ME, good!, lousy, everybody smile now you're on stage, clarinets, brasses, winds, percussion, flat, sharp, I said LISTEN!...
A thousand and one things with one look, a risen eyebrow, widened eyes, crunched forehead, a smile... The amazing things when playing on stage under a good and expressive conductor.
Another one of those noisy kids in the auditorium, talk loud loud. Relatives no concert etiquette, eat in auditorium. Food makes children hyper and creates an impression that they are free to do what they want in the auditorium, machiam like at home. Irritated. Tempted to shush him, but then it would mean adding to the noise. Want to bring children to recitals/concerts, at least make sure they are able to keep quiet. If they are so young, most probably they won't be able to appreciate pieces like those played, so can the parents think a bit and don't bring the kids along?! For sure they will be bored and do something, in the process making noise right! Kids what, can't blame them! At least wait until they're older or something. Sorry, I'm very evil, but I'm very irritated by these kids/adults/people who disrupt concerts. I mean look at this family, adults don't set good example to kid, still want him to know how to behave in this kind of setting... Want to smack both the kid and the adults. Don't care who's wrong, I just want to smack both. What's wrong with Singaporeans?
next time bring duct tape to concert hall.... (aww that's like kidnapping kids)
I guess it is not only concert, but the general behaviour of Singaporeans. Something like culture, it is like in foreign countries people cannot enter restaurant unless they are dressed properly, and proper means no jeans no sandals no slippers... Kids dress smartly when they leave home, sit straight stand straight that kind of thing. I myself is guilty of going to school in sandals, but convenience and comfort seem more important.
What can I say? It's the culture here. Kopitiam culture? Sort of.
yar, should bring duct tape. Either that or rolls of cloth. Stuff into mouth.
True. I like that phrase, "kopitiam culture". A very apt description. Actually I like the comfort (who doesn't), but people have to show some respect sometimes and it can be shown in many other ways.
What's wrong with wearing sandals to school?
Hmm, in view of my "respect" sentence...
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