Thursday, January 12, 2006

Life; forever; others

9am this morning, a snail was climbing quite happily up a wall.
By 5pm that same day, it was on the ground with its shell broken and dead.

How could the snail have known that it would die the very same day? Life is so very unpredictable and so very short. I always try to do things that I won't regret, but have I forgotten that by not doing things I can also regret not having done them?

To be cautious and take the well-trodden path or to take the risk and head down the unexplored one?

Then I realize that either way there will always be things that I will regret doing and things that I will not regret doing. If I take the well-trodden one, I will regret not having tried the unexplored one but I will most probably have attained something that I wanted down that path. On the other hand if I take the unexplored one and run into trouble, I might regret not being cautious enough to take the well-trodden path, but then again I would have gained the experience that the majority would not have and this I would not regret. It's all a matter of perspective.
Then I remember that whatever it is I do, as long as I'm happy, then it will be alright.

On a side-note, saw this beautiful quote on a calander:

Nothing is forever

Nothing is forever. We can only enjoy things while it lasts. If there is something that is forever, it is probably carried on and on by many many generations of humans. Refer to quote above.


Extremely tired. Physically, mentally. I am a complicated person who wish to be simple. But then maybe I already am simple, but who is made complicated, or confused, by education. Maybe all I need to do is to return to the basics and think simple. But then circumstances doesn't allow me to think simple. Or do they? Maybe it's just me. Yes, I will try to think simple.

Complicatedness behind a simple front.


At January 13, 2006 9:42 PM, Blogger chillycraps said...

It feels very sad whenever I see dead snails lying around after the rain has stopped. Seems to contradict with the the sun above. Actually the worst feeling is when you walk walk walk and suddenly hear the crack sound... ie you have just stepped onto a crossing snail. Ironically, people eat escargot snails.

Length of life, it all depends on how you look at it. The life of a tortoise is not quite the same as that of bacteria. Take fungus for example, its life can be as short as half a day. Is there anything it can do?

Path, why must the word "regret" be ringing in the head? There is a saying "路是人走出来 (lu shi ren zou chu lai)" or trail is created by people, but many a times we are reluctant to be the pioneer, for fear of stepping onto a puddle of water, for fear of sinking mud, for fear of the unknown. But then, do realize that the path may be different, but the intended destination is still the same. If a man does not know to what port he is sailing, no wind is favourable.

By the way, isn't it woman who say diamond is eternal?


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